Discussion utilisateur:Mariasuper

De Wiki du LAMA (UMR 5127)
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your shoulder become involved whether you tend to bend forward from the waist during the movement to help push the wait both these techniques turn the exercise into more repressed rather than extension which it's not supposed Ultimate Muscle Black Edition to be in spite of its name with muscle new bell extensions maxim muscle new intensity involves stretching the triceps as much as possible with the cable crash down the extension position is important but what you should really concentration is of pork total contraction at the bottom of the movement lock your arms out brunch the triceps muscles and work to feel a strong a peak contraction as possible with every single red for maxim muscle new intensity doing cable triceps the wait isn't as important as the burn when you're working at the level of maxim muscle new effort after a couple of sets your tricepswilkey like they're on fire because a heavy lactic acid buildup in the muscle told you'll find a variety of machines and most GM .
